+91 9890103757

This is fundamentally an "Administrations" Contract with a specific rate Value in rupees. When the customer goes into this AMC, our group of prepared architects' and professionals' will visit the site and do Preventive Maintenance Services (PMS) which is unmistakably done once in 12 months by Mtech System on PAN India level.


This is a proactive administrations which implies that this Services are arranged ahead of time in a joint effort with the customers and the schedule of our visits are shared for site clearances and so forth.


Aside from the PMS, even the grievances are gone to without an extra expense. Anyway the Spare parts and Consumables are chargeable at winning costs.


Architects will be conveyed at your office to screen, keep up and deal with your frameworks. This opens up your labor assets and guarantees increasingly proficient frameworks the board. Breakdowns, assuming any, can be distinguished and


Yearly Maintenance Contract for your Computer Product. We are appended with various organizations and our exhibition has been so far generally excellent. We have been keeping up the equipment of huge corporate, little associations and government undertaking. We have mixed our subjective assistance with the most recent innovation to offer our clients a serious edge.


We generally feel that anticipation is superior to Cure, as we likewise accept that appropriate upkeep and Follow-up gives most minimal personal time if there should be an occurrence of PC frameworks. We had seen that the greater part of the association in IT industry can't give sound after deals support, basically in view of absence of focus in the field of after-deals support.


We have undeniable after deals office. Headed by one of the prepared staff of the association. We have enormous stock of the extras, we are certain that will limit your vacation to incredible degree. Our groups of help engineers are consistently on aware of tackle your concern unimportant of Software or Hardware.

After meaningful conversations with various gatherings of clients, we have planned various bundles for support. We firmly prescribe you to choose plan, which suits you the most.


The extent of work for AMC will extensively incorporate the accompanying:

I.       For Laptops and Desktop

1.      Upkeep and ordinary support of introduced equipment and programming and related peripherals.

2.      Provide help for keeping up existing/new equipment and programming.

3.      Trouble-shooting/critical thinking concerning equipment and programming.

4.      Repairs to be completed at the area of the gear.

5.      Standby courses of action to be put forth in defense the gear is to be taken outside QCI office for fixes.

6.      Support to clients, updating of programming/antivirus, re-establishment of programming, whenever adulterated and expulsion of infection.

7.      Coordination with OEMs for investigating of gear under guarantee.

8.      Regular reinforcement (in any event once per seven day stretch) of whole information on QCI Servers.

9.      At least one routine visit (other than calls made) every week per office by Service Engineer.

10.    The Response Time/Downtime for any call/grievance logged ought not be over 2 hours.

11.    Any other upkeep work, counsel, direction on PC equipment/programming and related peripherals as vital.


II.  For Server

a.     Server administration

b.    Regular watch on powerlessness on server

c.     Repair records

d.    Data capacity support on server

e.     User administration

f.      Complete reinforcement of server information

g.     Component fix

h.      Architect Availability accessible if the need arises (24X7)

i.       Live Websites Support

j.       Sub area the executives

k.    Data recovery on necessity

l.       Network Security

m.  Maintaining logs and alarms

n.    Reporting for recharges

o.    Server improvement investigating


Be that as it may, upkeep of gear whose guarantee/ensure lapses during the agreement time frame or any help required for new types of gear bought during the agreement time frame will likewise be shrouded in AMC at similar terms and conditions.

The specialized, money related and different terms and states of AMC will be as per the following:

1.      The Service Provider must be enlisted as a firm or organization and ought to be in presence for in any event 2 years giving AMC Services.

2.      The Service Provider must have earlier ability and experience just as accessibility of appropriate specialized labor for on location support and fix of PCs, PCs, printers, server, LAN and related peripherals and introduced programming.

3.      Comprehensive AMC will incorporate substitution of any part (other than consumables) with the OEM/Genuine piece of same detail and guarantee with no additional installment.

4.      The Service Provider will be liable for taking reinforcement of information accessible on the PC/PC/server before taking care of the blame and reestablish all reinforcement information after support/fix.

5.      The Service Provider will be liable for any misfortune or harm caused to any gear attributable to carelessness on his part.

6.      10% development installment will be made and balance 90 % in six equivalent portions of 15% each after like clockwork on agreeable rendering of administration would be made. TDS will be deducted as material.

7.      The time of agreement will be for One Year. Be that as it may, the presentation of the Service Provider will be checked on fruition of Six Months. The rates cited will stay in power for the full time of agreement.

8.      Tax Liability will be borne by the gathering.

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